Celtic Wonder Tales and Other Stories

by Ella Young


"From childhood I heard tales of ghosts, banshees, haunted castles, mischievous and friendly sprites, snatches of ballads, and political arguments ... It was not until I came to Dublin and met Standish O’Grady, A.E., and Kuno Meyer that I realized what a heritage waited for me in Celtic literature. I read every translation I could get, learned Irish, and betook myself to Gaelic Ireland where, by turf fires, I could hear the poems of the Fianna recited by folk who had heard the faery music and had danced in faery circles ..."
Ella Young

This is a wonderful collection of tales from Ella Young's classic re-telling of Celtic stories, selected from Celtic Wonder Tales, The Wonder Smith and His Son, The Tangle-Coated Horse and The Unicorn with Silver Shoes.

Children aged 7-12 years old will be enchanted by the magical, mysterious stories.

ISBN: 9780863153501
Publisher: Floris Books
Format: Paperback