Carl Unger

Carl Unger (1878-1929) was born in 1878 near Stuttgart. His family provided him with a strong background in science and mathematics, which led him to become an engineer and manufacturer. In 1904, he met Rudolf Steiner and soon became a personal student, lecturing extensively on Anthroposophy from 1907 until 1914, when the Goetheanum building began and, as member of the board of the Anthroposophical Society, he assumed the task of overseeing the construction of the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, until he was prevented by World War I. He resumed his extensive lecturing until 1929, when he was killed by a gunman in Nuremberg. He was the author of several books on Spiritual Science, including The Language of the Consciousness Soul, a concise study guide to Rudolf Steiner's "Leading Thoughts," and Principles of Spiritual Science.
