Now you see it ...

String games and stories book 2

by Michael Taylor

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String Games are fun, inviting children to exercise skill, imagination and teamwork. They give hands and fingers something clever and artistic to do! Following the success of Pull the Other One!, here are more of Michael Taylor's favourite string games, ideal for family travel, for creative play and for party tricks.

Many string games are from ancient cultures - or example the cats cradle came by ship from south east Asia long ago Today, children invent new figures such as computers, space shuttles and trampolines. Here are:

  • more tried and tested string games and stories
  • clear instructions and diagrams for making the string figures
  • figures invented by children
  • string tricks and tips for performers
  • a rainbow string and illustrations to colour in


ISBN: 9781903458211
Publisher: Hawthorn Press
Format: Paperback

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