The Bible's Hidden Cosmology

by Gordon Strachan


Gordon Strachan, author of Jesus the Master Builder and Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space, here turns back to the roots of biblical wisdom. Patterns appear again and again throughout the Bible, influencing festivals and belief systems, but what are they based on? Are they incidental or deliberate? By returning to the principles of ancient cosmology, that is, how the biblical writers viewed the universe, Gordon Strachan reveals a new understanding of the Bible. He uses the disciplines of music theory, astronomy-astrology, numerology and sacred geometry to uncover hidden wisdom and allow the ancient secrets of the Bible to shine through.

This book is a compelling whirlwind through the imagery and metaphor inherent in the Bible. It pre-empts and explains some of the fundamental ideas behind The Da Vinci Code and gives the reader a deeper understanding of ancient wisdom traditions and a new respect for the implicit coding of the Bible.

ISBN: 9780863154799
Publisher: Floris Books
Format: Hardback

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