Fundamentals of Therapy
subtitle: An Extension of the Art of Healing through Spiritual-Scientific Knowledge This is a new translation by Dr. van Tellingen. It is the only book written by Rudolf Steiner with a co-author. Presented in the original German with facing pages in American-English translation, this unique book introduces a new method of medical practice, complementing natural scientific medicine through the methods and contents of anthroposophical spiritual science. It does not merely impart information but permits, even requires, the active reader to undergo a training, a development of new capacities. These new capacities permit the practitioner to come to insights into the spiritual aspects of illness, of healing substances and healing processes. Thus this book is a guide on the path of initiation into the mysteries of healing so that the practice of medicine can be truly humanized. by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman M.D.A bilingual edition (GA 27) Translated by Christa van Tellingen, M.D. (Smythe sewn binding, 248 pp) #164
Publisher: Mercury Press
Format: unknown format