Three Lectures on Biodynamics

by Herbert Koepf

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This is a series of three lectures given by Dr Herbert Koepf at the 1968 conference of the Biodynamic Association. The first lecture explores the principles of biodynamics, and introduces the idea of the garden or farm as a living organism. Dr Koepf then goes on to examine soil and soil management in more depth. Finally, in his third lecture, he addresses new factors which had arisen since the initial development of biodynamics. Many of these, such as increased use of commercial fertilisers and widespread storage and shipping, are still concerns today. Taken together, these lectures provide a fascinating insight into the recent history of the biodynamic movement, and address many themes which are still relevant to modern farmers and gardeners.

ISBN: 9780938250067
Publisher: Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association
Format: Booklet

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