Immunity and Individuality

What children need for their healthy development - for life

by Thomas Hardtmuth


Citing the latest research in immunology, Thomas Hardtmuth’s exposition challenges the prevalent medical thinking on what is really needed for children’s healthy development into adulthood.From research on the gut-brain axis and the microbiome, to studies on the role our individuality and emotions play in their interaction with – and as part of – the immune system, the insights described in this book are bound to turn many concepts of health upside down. It is essential knowledge for all fields of health, education and parenting.

"Extremely informative, clear and easily understandable, Thomas Hardtmuth presents a must-read for all those who deal with children and adolescents and are interested in the development of a healthy, strong immune system… With the latest scientific findings, he takes us on an exciting journey and shows how complex but also how multi-layered and differentiated the human immune system works – and has to learn to work in the first place!… By the end of the reading one not only feels well informed: those who read the book also feel deeply touched, inwardly refreshed and enriched by new aha-experiences – and motivated to put this knowledge into practice."
Michaela Glöckler, MD

"When medicine finally throws off its materialistic, pharma-centric ideology and becomes a genuinely holistic scientific practice, this book is what a new-paradigm medicine will look like. A must-read, leading-edge book for a new, properly founded medical science."
Richard House, Ph.D., Chartered Psychologist, co-author of Beyond Mainstream Medicine.

"I would go as far as to suggest it as first-line reading for everyone, especially, but not only, for those in educational and therapeutic professions who realise the critical point that humanity has now reached and are seeking alternatives."
James Dyson, MD

ISBN: 9781915594020
Publisher: InterActions
Format: Paperback

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